About me
I am a licensed personal trainer and motor preparation coach. I have several years of experience in taking care of my body and health as well as in intensive sports. I have worked my way up from a not very fit, physically underdeveloped boy to a person who is satisfied with his physique and training results.
How did it all start?
Sport has accompanied me since I can remember. As a kid I started with football, I also played volleyball and basketball. At the age of 9 I became interested in martial arts, Taekwon-Do and Kick-Boxing. I still practice these sports to this day. I started my adventure with the gym at the age of 16. I started working on improving the appearance of my body only for myself and my own satisfaction. I wanted to improve my figure to be more athletic, muscular like a real man, I wanted to be stronger. The reason was that one day I was standing in front of a mirror and I didn't like myself, I didn't accept my body condition. Overnight I signed up for the gym. I started to eat healthily. It took a while, but after a while I noticed the results of my effort. I discovered how much fun the gym gives me. Then I understood what I wanted to do in the future. I found out that I wanted to help others to shape their figure and get better results.
Every day I extend my experience during trainings, talks with other coaches, sports and fitness professionals. I am looking for better and better solutions so that my students can achieve even faster effects in shaping their figure and achieving greater efficiency. Thanks to this they are able to achieve spectacular effects.
What makes me keep working?
My students!
Now it gives me satisfaction to motivate others and show them the right way to achieve real results.
My own transformation

Watch the movie about me
See what training I have completed
My sporting achievements
Kick Boxing - 2016:
Polish Championship
- Third place low-kick formula cat. -75 kg
- Third place Kick-light formula of the weight cat. -74 kg
The European Cup
- First place Kick-light formula cat. -74 kg
- Third place low-kick formula cat. -75 kg
Taekwon-Do ITF:
- World Cup - third place cat. -70 kg
- Mazovia Masters Cup - First place cat. +63 kg
- Member of the Mazovia team
Kick Boxing - 2013/2014:
- Polish Cup - first place Kick-light formula cat. -74 kg
- Polish Cup - second place kick-light formula cat. -74 kg